New Water Pipe Installations & Renewals

We would love to have a chat about how we can help your business, give us a call today on 0800 028 3557, and select option 2.

Total Water Solutions. Exposed blue clean water pipe
Total Water Solutions. Exposed pipe in the ground

We have many years experience in designing and implementing new water pipes and connections. By recommending appropriate systems and efficiency measures, we can ensure your water network delivers optimum performance and efficiency from day one.

If your business needs to install new private side water mains, or new supply pipes (within the boundary of your property), our team can provide expert advice on the best and most cost efficient way forward.

We can take care of everything giving you peace of mind that your new supply complies with water regulations.

You will have been provided with a site drawing indicating where the new connection will be from your water company when you apply for a new connection. From this, we will be able to provide you with an accurate quote for the private side mains and supplies. You can email this directly to the team at [email protected] and they will contact you with next steps after reviewing the plans.

Total Water Solutions. Pile of blue pipes

We use trenchless technology to install your water pipes, this minimises disruption to your business and the environment. After installation, we will carry out chlorination and pressure testing (if required) to make sure there are no leaks in your new water infrastructure and the supply is safe and within water regulation guidelines. If you need internal plumbing while we are renewing your external underground pipe work, our team can take care of this too.

If you would like to discuss your plans with us, we can give you the most cost effective solution, but we will need the information about the new connection from your water company first.  Speak to our team today on 0800 028 3557, and select option 2.

If you haven’t already contacted your local water company to request a new connection you will need to do this first, otherwise we will not know where we can connect and therefore where to install your new private side supplies. The teams within water companies are normally called ‘Developer Services’ and if you are looking to connect to Northumbrian Water (NW), or Essex and Suffolk Water (ESW), you can use the numbers below to contact them.

Northumbrian Water (NWL) – 0345 609 4639

Essex & Suffolk Water (ESW) – 0345 609 4638

Speak To Our Expert Team Today


Josie McArthur

Technical Agent - South

07854 436038

Rachel Robinson

Technical Agent - North


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Alternatively you can call us on 0800 028 3557

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